Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Pope urges Middle East Christians to invoke the Holy Spirit more

By Linda Bordoni/ and :

During the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis said, "Invoke the Holy Spirit more."

Pope Francis encouraged Arabic-speaking Christians, especially those from the Middle East present in St. Peter’s Square, to do so during today’s General Audience of Wednesday, May 23, 2018.

After his catechesis on Confirmation, the Pope said: ‘Dear brothers and sisters, the Holy Spirit teaches us and gives us the wisdom and the truth of Christ.

“Let us invoke the Spirit more often, to guide us on the path of the true disciples of Jesus.''

Pope Francis concluded, saying: “May the Lord bless you all! “

"Only the Spirit of Christ can make us "salt that gives taste" and "light that illuminates the world," added Pope Francis during his catechesis.

He was speaking to the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the weekly General Audience during which he continued in his series of reflections dedicated to the Sacraments.


Pointing out that without the Holy Spirit we can do nothing, the Pope focused on the Sacrament of Confirmation, which he said, owes its name to the fact that it “confirms” the grace of our Baptism.

He explained that during Confirmation we are anointed with the “chrism” – the oil mixed with perfume that has been consecrated by the bishop - so that we can bear witness to Christ before the world.

That’s why, he said, we speak of being “Anointed by the Holy Spirit”.

Pope Francis went on to explain that with Baptism one is reborn to new life while with Confirmation we are given the strength to go forward as Christians.

"Without the strength of the Holy Spirit we can do nothing: it is the Spirit that gives us the strength to move forward" he said.


The Pope recalled Pentecost as a central moment in the life of a Christian. It’s when “the 'Breath' of the Risen Christ fills the lungs of the Church with life” he said explaining that just as Christ was anointed by the Spirit at his baptism in the Jordan, so at Pentecost the Church received the Spirit in order to carry out her mission of preaching the Gospel to the ends of the Earth.

He said that in Confirmation, we are given the great gift of the Holy Spirit.

Pope Francis noted that whilst the bishop anoints the person receiving Confirmation he says: “Receive the Holy Spirit who was given to you as a gift”. The Holy Spirit, he continued is God’s great gift to us. It is in our heart and in our soul, he said, and it guides us in life so that we may become salt and light for the world.

The Pope highlighted that during Confirmation it is Christ who fills us with his Spirit and makes us sharers of his own life and mission, in accordance to God’s saving plan.

He said that to be a true Christian we must let ourselves be guided by the Spirit and strive to live the new life received in Baptism and take an active role in fulfilling the Church’s mission in the world.


At the end of the month of May, month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, Pope Francis has exhorted to pray the Rosary for peace in the world.

Greeting young people, the elderly, the sick and newlyweds present at the General Audience, the Pope encouraged them to “value” this prayer.

“Let us invoke Mary’s intercession, so that the Lord may grant peace and mercy to the Church and to the whole world,” he concluded.