Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا
Stories of coexistence between the faithful of the two religions. Journey to Talgar, where young, lonely and excluded lives begin to live again and to hope for a good future.
Challenging those who uncouthly exalt and propose as an obvious practice that of taking care only of themselves and their own, every day millions of men and women everywhere in the world (including Italy) take care of children who are not their own: they do so with dedication, joy, seriousness, competence. It also happens in Kazakhstan, a country with 17 million inhabitants belonging to 130 different nationalities. Here Christian and Muslim men and women joined forces to take care of orphaned children, disabled children and children from families in need.
The Ark Village
It all began twenty years ago in Almaty (the most populous city in the country) when Father Guido Trezzani was asked to support volunteers working in local orphanages. In a few years the priest, together with the volunteers - and thanks to the support of Italian friends - founded thirty kilometers from the city, in the village of Talgar, a family home that welcomes children and young people orphaned, disabled or from families experiencing moments of difficulty. Built in a small summer colony of Soviet times, this family home has grown over time into the Ark Village, with houses, school, canteen, medical and rehabilitation centers: the foster village currently houses sixty children and youngsters both Christians and Muslims. Together with his collaborators, Father Guido, 63, works so that these young lives can experience the warmth, affection and security of a family and thus build a dignified future: for this reason he also organizes professional courses and financially supports those who wish to attend external classes or start their own business. He also takes care of children and young people with disabilities, in particular those with Down's syndrome, trying above all to promote their inclusion at school: "Unfortunately in this country, disability is often seen as a shame or a curse," he stresses. "Society is not ready to welcome disabled people, who are excluded from schools and have no job opportunities".
A long journey
In the Village, there are thirty Christian and Muslim people who live permanently and are supported by numerous volunteers, who in recent years have gradually increased: "We work together in harmony, religious belonging is not a reason for division, we share the same vision of life and we share a common goal: to take care of these young wounded lives and offer them a good future," Father Guido continues, who adds: "I often say that those who want to sprint end up running alone, but those who want to make a long journey must be with others. Those in Kazakhstan - where the wind of capitalism and western consumerism is blowing powerfully – whose only goal is to succeed and accumulate money quickly, run alone (and many are trying to do so), but those who want to build something stable, durable and beneficial for society as a whole must work together with others. I think that true religious people (of different religions) who live and work together in peace can teach the world precisely this: that if we want our country to be beautiful place for all to live in, we must work together. This is what many try to do here in Kazakhstan, where Muslims make up 70-75% of the population, Orthodox 20-25% while Catholics are a small flock of about 50,000 faithful".
Caritas projects for the disabled
Father Guido, incardinated in the diocese of Almaty, is also director of the diocesan Caritas and, since last April, of the national Caritas: he has started various projects in the social and health fields and launched a support program for disabled people and their families. "Caritas' action is twofold: on the one hand, we raise awareness by distributing videos and texts that offer a different view of the disability condition in order to change the mentality of the population, and on the other hand, we support the families of disabled people to help them take care of their children in the best possible way. We are also currently trying to start a stable collaboration with Italian physiotherapists who can intervene throughout the country and train local physiotherapists. In Almaty, Caritas has opened a centre that hosts regular training meetings for parents of children and young people with Down syndrome and recently, the project has extended to other cities in the country. "At the moment we are following more than 400 children and every day new ones arrive here: obviously they are both Christians and Muslims", Father Guido says. "The Islamic families we meet do not show prejudices but a sincere openness towards us and as soon as they experience our selfless dedication, our relationships immediately become excellent. As director of Caritas I have the opportunity to meet various imams and our relations with them are serene too".
In daily life
Every three years the capital, Astana, hosts an inter-religious meeting desired by its president, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, in which Muslims, Orthodox, Catholics and representatives of other religions participate: "It is a meeting inspired by that of Assisi promoted by Saint John Paul II, who came to visit Kazakhstan in 2001", Father Guido recalls. "The State is very committed to promoting peaceful coexistence among all citizens by organizing moments of aggregation that allow people to get to know each other, face problems together and seek shared solutions. Of course, to build a cohesive society, institutional moments alone are not enough: it is necessary to live the respect, the fraternal spirit, the openness towards one's neighbor in daily life, avoiding closing oneself in one's own shell. Unfortunately this is a risk that all the different ethnic and religious communities present in the country run, including the Catholic ones: it is right to try to maintain their own traditions and their own culture, but it is a mistake to close oneself off from others and live in suspicion and distrust".
“Come and see”
Among the many episodes relating to relations between Christians and Muslims, Father Guido is keen to tell one in particular: "When, in a city very far from Almaty, we inaugurated a center for the families of children with Down's syndrome we did a first cycle of meetings via Skype. Among the family members present there was a veiled Muslim lady: a very smart woman, who asked pertinent questions. I was convinced that she was the mother of the disabled child she was telling me about. One day, during the meeting, this lady told me that she was the grandmother of the little girl and introduced me to her daughter, who had accompanied her that day. The grandmother, visibly happy, introduced her to me saying: "My daughter, who was not interested in participating, one evening asked me why after the meetings I was always happy and enthusiastic. I replied: come and see. Well, that phrase, which we Christians know well, touched and moved me deeply. It is a small episode, but for me very significant: sometimes it is people of other religions or far from the Church who remind us of the heart of the Christian experience, who call us back to the essentials. This too can come from a healthy relationship between people of different faiths".