Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Monday, 19 October 2020
'San Giovanni Paolo II', a book that highlights Pope John Paul II’s legacy

By Munir Bayouk/ :

Marking the centenary of the birth of Pope St. John Paul II, a book titled, "San Giovanni Paolo II" has been issued which impressively traces his pontificate through photos and words from his petrine magisterium.


This book intends to remember this great holy witness of the faith that God has given to His Church and to humanity.




Pope Saint John Paul II was a vocal advocate for human rights as he frequently addressed the suffering in the world. He expressed his firm positions on many mundane topics, including his opposition to capital punishment.


Among his major achievements is that he significantly improved the Catholic Church's relations with Judaism, Islam, and the Eastern Orthodox Church. He also upheld the Church's teachings on sensitive issues as the right to life, artificial contraception, the ordination of women, and a celibate clergy. He visited 129 countries during his pontificate.


Despite the assassination attempt and illness, St. John Paul II led a Church to face the challenges of the time with courage from "Do not be afraid" in the first days of his pontificate to "Duc in altum!  "Guide the boat offshore!" of later years.


It is worthy to note that there is a special link between Pope Francis and John Paul II. He was the Pope who made Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) a cardinal but, years later, it was Pope Francis who decisively promoted the canonization process of John Paul II.


Reflecting on the new book, His Holiness Pope Francis said, "St. John Paul II taught the world that truly great faith and holiness dwell in the normality of a person who lives in profound communion with Christ."


He added he liked the new pope right away, especially because of his reputation for spending time with university students, being a sports enthusiast, his devotion to Blessed  Mary and, especially, because of his reputation as one who prayed often and deeply.


This book serves as a record of Pope St. John Paul II's life which was dedicated to the service of the Church of God and to serving causes  affecting humanity. It is due time to read this book to get enlightened about great people who sincerely served the Holy Church and whose noble memory will be everlasting.