Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Thursday, 21 March 2019
Way of the Cross from Syria

By Maronite Archbishop Samir Nassar :

"Happy are those who are persecuted for the sake of Justice the kingdom of heaven is theirs " Matt.5,10

Maronite Archbishop Samir Nassar, send these mediations from Syria.

In this the eighth year of the war in Syria, please pray the 14 stations with us as a sign of spiritual solidarity with us. This Way of the Cross, has been gathered from the feelings of refugees, their families and those who in the Middle East who have been affected by the situation.

First Station: Jesus is condemned to death.

"Pilate handed Jesus over to be crucified" Matt.15, 12-13

An innocent man condemned to death. Call this Justice!

Lord, our families feel they are close to you in their sufferings; they are innocent, like you were. They have been forced by the violence and persecution around them to leave their houses, schools, parishes, villages, neighbours, friends and cemeteries; forced to live in refugee camps in misery and indifference. Pilate continues to be the source of injustice… Lord, enlighten the spirit of these "judges" and make us the messengers of Justice. Amen.

Second Station: Jesus is given his cross to carry:

"..then they led him away to be crucified" Mk 15,20

Jesus is handed over to the soldiers, he without whom "nothing was made".."Jn 1,3, he who bows his head and walks on humiliated and carrying his own cross.

Lord Jesus, the force of evil continues to crush and destroy; you have taken on the same burden as the weakest, look kindly on our families so broken, humiliated and torn apart by violence. They are the victims of injustice as you were.

Give them the force to carry their cross and keep faith and hope in you. Amen..

Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time.

"He was pierced because of our crimes, and crushed because of our sins" Isaiah 53, 5

He who carried peace to the world has been wounded by our sins, and falls beneath the weight of our faults…

We are crushed, Lord, beneath the weight of the cross and the tragic circumstances we are living through; Our selfishness and weaknesses pull us down. Help us up Lord when we fall, and bring us to your truth. Amen.

Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother.

"And your own soul will be pierced with a lance", Isaiah 53,5

Wounded and carrying the cross of all humanity, Jesus meets his mother, and all humanity is shown in her face. From this mutual suffering between son and mother a new humanity grows….

O Mary, Mother of God, you were able to see your own son suffering; help all mothers who are not able to see their own sons who are suffering and dying alone far away from them.

In our daily life children and parents sometimes cause each other to suffer. Help us Lord to transform our families and our countries into places of love and serenity like the Holy Family. Amen

Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his Cross.

" they made him carry Jesus' cross behind him" Lk 23,26

This silent meeting between Jesus and Simon of Cyrene is a lesson: 2 sets of eyes meet, and are a life changing experience..

Suffering welcomed in faith traces the way of salvation.

Lord, our families are left alone in their suffering and distress. They wait for a helping hand, a loving heart, a "Simon of Cyrene" who you will put on their desert road of suffering. Amen.

Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

"..It is your face that I seek O Lord; hide not your face from me." Ps 27,8-9

Veronica does a very symbolic thing, which carries a strong message. She comes to wipe away the pain from your face; a gesture of faith which shows her love for you.

This face remains marked in our Christian tradition. Who will wipe the injured faces of our brothers, of our mothers who weep for their children and for their own distress?

Help us, Lord, to see your face in the poor who are persecuted and the innocent victims of violence, injustice and intolerance. Amen

Seventh Station: Jesus falls for the second time

"Do not stay far away: suffering is near, I have nobody to help me". Ps 22, 8-12

This second fall under the weight of the cross is the sign of solitude in time of suffering. Injustice and violence push the less favoured people further into the mud… Your solitude, Lord, can be identified with the isolation of the poorest, victims of egoism and worldwide materialism.

Come, Holy Spirit, to console, strengthen and plant hope in the hearts of the persecuted in order that united to Christ they may be the witness of his love for all. Amen.

Eighth Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem who are weeping for him.

"Women of Jerusalem do not weep for me: weep rather for yourselves and for your children". Lk 23, 27-28

These women see nothing in the cross but a sign of malediction.

The Lord, however, sees it rather as a sign of redemption, which wipes away sin and is a consolation for the oppressed. He opens the eyes of the women to the truth of the Paschal Mystery.

Lord, our mothers who are hurt and left to struggle in search for a meaning to their sufferings, need your consolation and comfort.

O Christ, suffering, be their peace and balm for their wounds. Amen

Ninth Station: Jesus falls for the third time

"For Christ died for all in order that all the living would no longer keep their lives centred on themselves, but on him who died and rose from the dead for them". Cor 5, 14-15

Jesus falls for the third time under the weight of the cross, and in spite of his exhaustion tries to get up again but without success.

Lord, your people here are exhausted and weakened by their efforts to get up again.. too much for some.

Our divisions are deep… those of the Church also. The unity of Christians is far from the idea of divine sonship.

Lord, help us to get up once more and continue on the road of pardon and unity, which comes from your saving wounds. Amen

Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments.

"Their shared my garments between themselves and drew lots for my tunic". Ps 22,19

You carried our humanity, Lord; numerous victims of blind violence are completely without resources and are part of your suffering which you undertake in your saving love.

Help, Lord, our poor refugees who find no sense in life, to overcome their fear, and remain attached to this holy land which is fast losing its Christians , the witnesses of your word.

Teach us, Lord how to detach ourselves from material goods to be better able to live in evangelical poverty.

Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed on the Cross.

"Pilate wrote an inscription which he placed on the cross and which said "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews". Jn 19, 16

Lord Jesus, you were crucified for our sins. Each blow of the hammer resounds in our hearts.

Our children have been martyred, sacrificed savagely without reason; these young oppressed are very close to your Calvary.

Lord, may your liberating sufferings free these young people and their families from their slavery so that they may discover your divine face. Amen

Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the Cross.

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit" Lk 23,46

This cry of abandon breaks the wall of silence and opens the way to liberty.

All the meaning of the cross takes its value from this saving path of suffering..

These innocent victims did not die in vain.

By your death Lord, you have opened the door of the kingdom, of eternal life.

Death will not defeat us.

Death allows us to understand the way to the resurrection.

Open, Lord, the hearts of those who put the life of others in danger.

Let them discover the value of human life, which is a reflection of your divinity. Amen

Thirteen Station: Jesus' body is given to his mother.

" then he said to the disciple: behold your mother". Jn 19, 26

Lord Jesus, he who loves you remains at your side.

Mary is the model of this love, model of our faith.

O Mary, our Mother, we put into your hands our martyrs, our refugees, those who have been tortured by injustice, hatred and exclusion.

We confide to you, O Mary, our dear mother, our children who have no schools, our sick who have no help, and our refugees who are homeless.

Let the blood of these innocent victims, Lord, be the sowing of the seeds of a new society steeped in fraternity, pacific gestures, and a better justice... Amen

Fourteen Station: Jesus is placed in the tomb.

" they took the body of Jesus and wrapped it in a linen cloth" Jn 19,39

Happy is he who like Nicodemus, receives the body of Jesus, cares for it, and puts it in the tomb.

Jesus allows himself to be crucified with the same complete self-abandonment by the hands of man whilst being perfectly united with them.

In reality, by our baptism in his death we have let ourselves be put in his tomb with him… and new life will emerge from the tomb.

From the depths of our tombs, Lord,let the light of the Resurrection shine out. Give us Lord the grace to choose your liberating way of the Cross, and keep firmly our faith and hope.

Make us, Lord, children of light who no longer fear the darkness.

Help us, Lord, to allow our way of the Cross to become one of pardon, reconciliation and peace in the light of the Resurrection.


+ Samir NASSAR

Maronite Archbishop of Damascus