Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Thursday, 12 November 2020

Pope, the Council of Churches in Jordan call for praying

By Munir Bayouk/ :

The heads of the Council of Churches in Jordan has issued a statement urging the faithful to pray piously and with a humble heart so that the Corona epidemic would be eliminated from the homeland and the world.


The statement issued on Wednesday, November 11, adds that "the world has all the time gone through many diseases and epidemics, yet God was the doctor of our souls and our bodies who protects and saves the world."


The statement calls on the believers to implore God to instill peace, security and stability in Jordan, as well as to protect those working in the heath and security fields round-the-clock in the service of humanity.


The statement adds that in view of the current epidemiological situation in our beloved Jordan which has negative effects on our children-- such as increased anxiety, fear, perplexity, and mental illnesses that affect our families and those around us--we call for prayers seeking the Divine Providence and fatherly love for human beings.




On the other hand, Pope Francis continued his catechesis on prayer on Wednesday, November 11, focusing on the quality of perseverance in prayer. The Pope said, " Jesus Himself, has given an example of continual prayer, practised perseveringly.”


Stressing that prayer must be tenacious, the Pope said, “Our Father knows well what we need. Insistence is necessary not to inform Him or to convince Him, but is necessary to nurture the desire and expectation in us.”


Noting that we need to pray always, even when everything seems vain, the Pope said, “Lord Jesus is always present with those who pray, welcoming us in His prayer, so that we might pray in Him and through Him. This is the work of the Holy Spirit.” Pope Francis says this connection to the prayer of Jesus “gives the wings that the human person’s prayer has always desired to possess.”


Admitting that the Christian who prays fears nothing, he said: “It is in Christ that this stupendous prayer is fulfilled, in Him that it finds its complete truth.”




St. Augustine said: "Jesus prays for us as our priest, prays in us as our Head, and is prayed to by us as our God. Therefore, let us acknowledge our voice in Him and His in us”.


Amid the recent global turmoil, let us pray for the people of the world to have peace and health. While we pray for the world, we remember that our true salvation comes from Lord Jesus Christ. 


Prayer is an essential element in our lives and we must be willing to pray regardless of the situation. We must communicate and give Lord Jesus thanks when we are happy, sad, or experiencing some sort of catastrophe.


The whole idea is that when we pray, we seek the company of the dearest father, friend and brother, namely Lord Jesus Christ. The company of Lord Jesus is the most honorable achievement one can have in life. Lord Jesus cares for us as "the good shepherd cares for his sheep." (John 10: 14-15)


It is time to ask the Lord to help us know how to pray; to instill within us a deep habit of prayer; to help us to regularly take moments each day to seek Him out.  It is time to address Lord Jesus saying, "My Lord, we love You, help us love You more.  Jesus, we trust in You."