Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Wednesday, 31 August 2022

The road to spiritual salvation is always paved

By Munir Bayouk/ :

When the Divine Father created humans, they were given the full freedom to lead their lives as they wish. They have all the times been given the absolute freedom to act at will and have been given the choice to do whatever they deem suitable to ensure their well-being.


Yet, some people choose wrong paths in life by opting to walk in the  shadow of evil and wrong doing while proceeding towards a dismal end abounding with regrets, failures, and a deadlocked future.


On the other hand, other people who walk in the shadow of evil for years, no matter how long, and break the will of the Almighty Lord wake up one day to the reality of the wrongdoing they are going through and undertake a radical change in life by rectifying such a course and moving into the path leading to bright light of  penance.


Press reports, in this regard, have indicated that the co-founder of the South African Satanic Church, Riaan Swiegelaar, has converted to Christianity, despite saying earlier that he did not believe in the existence of Lord Jesus Christ. 


He said that he opened himself up to the  Lord and recognized the love of Christ. His sudden decision to stop worshipping Satan and start worshipping Lord Jesus has garnered the attention of delighted Christians around the world. 


He said, "I opened myself up, and Jesus appeared. I was extremely cocky and I said, 'Whatever.' I said, 'If You are Jesus, prove it.' He flooded me with the most beautiful love and energy, and I recognized it immediately... I recognized the love of Lord Jesus Christ immediately."


He adds one thing he and the other thousands of Satanists he met over the past years had in common was their "brokenness". 


He continues, "I've never known unconditional love in my entire life. Up until today, there have been four Christians in my life that showed me what unconditional love is. I want to thank those four people today. Words cannot express what you've done for me."


This is a real life event of a man who left the blocked road of evil and chose to follow a road leading to perfection and salvation through Lord Jesus Christ Who died on the Holy Cross to cleanse humanity from sins.


There is nothing wrong with one being misled in life where the numerous lusts and veneers of life distract one to the point that they think that they achieved everything in life, but the whole idea is that a time comes when they realize that they are leading a dead end.


So many people reach the pinnacle of fame, wealth, knowledge, and influence and assume that such achievements are nonpareil, yet they ultimately come to the conclusion that the most famous person ever since the start of life on Earth worthy to to followed is Lord Jesus Christ. He is the omniscient, loving, patient, and caring for all those who seek His help.


One of the most relevant Biblical verses in the Holy Bible states, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." (Revelation 3:20)


So many people hear the voice of the Lord, and ultimately they will open their doors and hearts and let Him in.