Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Monday, 20 May 2024
Amman: The 17th IYCS Conference discusses major environmental issues, May 19

By Munir Bayouk/ :

Following the opening  session of the 17th International Youth Christian Student Conference (IYCS) which took place on Saturday May 18, the IYCS continued its sessions on Sunday, May 19, which shed light in a comprehensive view on the most outstanding environmental issues.


In the first session, two topics  were discussed, namely integrated environment and social justice, where Engineer Ruba Zo’ubi addressed the impact of climate change and pollution on social life and stability on people wherever they live. Stressing that it is a global problem, she said that the youth have an important role in undertaking pioneering and concrete steps to protect the environment. On the other hand, Dr. Mohammad ‘Iyadat, highlighted the legal dimension of environmental issues, pointing out how to benefit from local, international policies, practices, laws, and regulations in order to achieve environmental protection.


The second session, dealt with Pope Francis’ message on the environment titled, “Laudato Si,” by Monsignor Narek and Dr. Wael Abul-Sh’ir. They focused on it and explained its contents with regard to the impact caused by humans and the damage they cause to the environment as a result of irresponsible use of everything created by God. They stressed that the behaviors ought to be based on the teachings of the Holy Bible and by adhering to the mentioned commandments with regards to creation.


In the third session, Engineer Hassan Al-Ja’ja’ dealt with smart agriculture and the relevant pioneering projects. He  gave a presentation on the outcome of climate change, including shortage of water resources, soil degradation, and food insecurity. He also emphasized the importance of directing human discretion of being part of the environment rather than mere using it.


In the  fourth and last session of the day, Engineer Youssef Abu Haidar tackled smart projects for agriculture and shed light on the concepts of traditional agriculture and sustainable agriculture, as well as the challenges facing the agricultural sector and the farmers which forestall achieving the desired  goals.


Later the participants in the conference took part in the Holy Mass marking the third Sunday of the Lenten Season  which was celebrated by Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan Archbishop Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso.


The day sessions ended with a meeting at the regional level, where members of countries from various region shared the problems they face, while proposals  were presented on means to preserve the sustainability of the activities of every youth group in every country.