Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Saturday, 8 April 2023
Bishop Paolo Good Friday homily: "Stay silent and contemplate the manifestation of God's love" :

Bishop Paolo Martinelli, vicar of Southern Arabia, presided at the celebrations of the Lord's passion at St. Joseph's Cathedral Abu Dhabi on Friday, April 7. Following is the text of the homily delivered during the occasion:

The story of Christ's passion has brought us face to face with the mystery of God's infinite love for every man and woman. But death on the cross is not a death like any other. The cross was the infamous gallows reserved for those who had committed the greatest crimes. Jesus was mistreated, mocked, and humiliated. His body has been deformed by the beatings inflicted on him as if he were the worst of killers. How can the immaculate Jesus take the place reserved for the worst criminal?

Jesus died for us, for many, and for all. Not only in our favor but also "in our place". On the cross, Jesus, the innocent one, took our place, the place of sinners and criminals. Jesus, on the cross, suffered for our sins and those of the whole world. He took upon himself the sin of humanity and nailed it to the Cross.

The fathers of the Church express this mystery with a radical expression: with the incarnation and with the cross, there was an "exchange of places": Jesus took our human nature wounded by sin, and in exchange, he gave us his divine life. Jesus, who is One with God the Father, took the sinner's place and suffered the death on the cross of those who turned away from God. Jesus, on the cross, confesses to the heavenly Father the sins of all humanity, and the path of salvation opens up for all humanity.

I conclude this meditation by turning our thoughts to the Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, Mother of God, and mother of the new life that sprang from the paschal mystery. As we have heard from the story of Jesus' passion, we find the mother of God under the cross while all the friends and disciples have fled or betrayed him. Only the youngest of the disciples stays with Mary. Stabat mater Dolorosa, says an ancient song: Mary remains under the cross, she does not run away. Mary, under the force, represents the whole Church which welcomes the gift that Jesus makes of himself on the cross. Mary says yes to the redemption of the world accomplished by the lamb sacrificed on the cross. Right from the Cross, Jesus entrusts his beloved disciple and all of humanity to the Virgin Mother: “Woman – said Jesus to Mary – this is your son”.

May the Mother of God help us contemplate the cross as an infinite mystery of Love and welcome the redemption that makes us new creatures.

Jesus died on the Cross. Now the Word of God has become silent.

Let us also remain in silence and prayer. While awaiting the announcement of the resurrection, let us stay silent with Mary under the cross. Let us contemplate the overwhelming manifestation of God's love for all humanity.