Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Saturday, 14 September 2024
Exorcists detect increase in diabolic activity in people under the form of demonic obsession
Chad Ripperger has given a lecture at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City in early February 2024 and expressed that witchcraft and pornography encourage the increase in diabolical possessions and deeds.

Chad Ripperger, theologian, Ph.D. in philosophy, and psychologist exorcists detect increase in Diabolic Activity in People Under the Form of demonic obsession

Chad Ripperger, theologian, Ph.D. in philosophy, and psychologist exorcists detect increase in Diabolic Activity in People Under the Form of demonic obsession

Rafael Manuel Tovar/ :

Chad Ripperger, theologian, Ph.D. in Philosophy ,and psychologist said in New York in early February 2024, that possessions are increasing up to 0.5 per cent in the population. He pointed out that studies show the drastic increase in diabolic possession, one of the four ways of the devil’s influence.


Ripperger said that diabolic obsession is an attack on the psyche. The mind, the intellect is dominated by obsessive ideas, which don’t have a natural origin. Its growth stems from pornography, whose authors were often “educated by Satanists,” to achieve great addiction.


The exorcist made the following observation: “The main objective is to promote the destruction of marriage through the collapse of sexual morality.” The data shows that 90 per cent of 16-year-olds watch pornography online.


The increase in oppression of satanic origin also causes attacks that break down the body,” which is observed in some diseases lacking a natural explanation.” Could it be also because of witchcraft?



Another element of an educational nature is that pornography causes lack of virtue, of good habits, and makes difficult the fight against obsession. “We are extraordinarily weak.” Every time that evil is committed, “every mortal sin is an open door to possession.” If the members of the Church are “less saintly,” the influence of evil is reinforced.


Based on his studies and personal experience, Ripperger explains that [at present] the necessary time for the deliverance of one possessed is over two years, whereas “the average time to release someone from total possession was of one or two days, perhaps, a week,” before the beginning of the ‘60s. “It means that the holiness of the members of the Church determines the effectiveness of my prayers when I enter the [exorcism] session. This tell us that there is a fundamental problem with the members of the Church: they are not as saintly as were their counterparts in the past.”


Ripperger also pointed out that “the devil’s main objective is to promote the destruction of marriage through the collapse of sexual morality.” He perceives it also in the great growth extramarital coexistence and adultery.


The data compiled by Ripperger leads to estimate that couples united outside the Sacrament of Marriage have multiplied by 19 over the last five decades. In 1960, there were 430,000 couples who lived in free union in the United States and some 8,300,000 in 2015. The Government figures are even higher and trebled in two decades, from 6 to 17 million, which is a notable percentage of the total adult population. Is it, perhaps, social progress to break the natural structure of marriage as the liberal ideology proposes?


The exorcist says that “one of the main reasons for God’s permitting the intervention of demons in our day to day is to sanctify us. When we combat them and become instruments of justice for them, it is meritorious in the eyes of God  and elevates our place in Heaven. Because you will take two things to Heaven: your state of grace and your virtue.


For Ripperger, it’s a battle” in which the faithful must take part. “When Adam and Eve ate the [forbidden] fruit in Eden, they left the structure of God’s authority and entered the structure of Satan’s power. From that moment on, each and every one of us was recruited for this spiritual war.”


 “If the demons have gained ground, and things are as bad as they are, we also know from the Scriptures that, where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more. The quid of the question is that, if you are faithful to grace, your probabilities of becoming a saint exist, they are there, and God wants it.”