Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Sunday, 28 July 2024
India: Sisters of Charity of Nazareth caring for children with disabilities
Sr. Prasanthi Mandapati/ :

For over three decades, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth have extended support to children with disabilities through the Asha Deepam School in Trichy, India. Serving as a Light of Hope, as its name suggests, the sisters have played a pivotal role in uplifting children with disabilities and their families.


Passionate about serving children with intellectual disabilities, the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth established Asha Deepam Dar Care Center in 1995. Since then, Asha Deepam has served children with mental disabilities and seeks to provide them with opportunities for their holistic development by focusing on their unique abilities and potential.


The centre equips individuals with the skills necessary for daily tasks, encourages them to pursue educational and professional opportunities, and actively participate in social and leisure activities. The students are engaged in diverse professional training, including the manufacturing of candles, cooking, flowers, bracelets, and pearls, as well as the production of incense sticks. Additionally, they receive instruction in tailoring and gardening.


Over the years, Asha Deepam has assisted around 460 children, promoted their dignity, and helped them live up to their potential. Nearly 50 students work to support themselves.


Some of the children have won medals in the District, Inter-District, and National Special Olympic Games, as well as the International Special Olympic Games in America and Greece.


Julian Santo is one of the children that the school is especially proud of, his transformative story illustrates the efforts and success of the children, parents, Sisters and the staff of Asha Deepam.


Julian Santo’s Journey

Julian Santo, a child with multiple disabilities, including autism and visual challenges, faced significant obstacles upon entering the Asha Deepam Special School in Crawford, Trichy, five years ago.


At that time, he couldn’t recognize his own mother’s face and relied on physical attributes like height to identify her. Upon transitioning to the pre-primary stage, Julian faced challenges in daily activities such as eating, dressing and utilizing bathroom facilities due to his visual impairment and autism. Understanding sizes, colours, and forms posed difficulties for him.


The school provided him with all the necessary medical aid to address his vision problems and he underwent a transformative three-month special sensory integration program led by one of the teachers, Mrs Roseline Francis and supervised by the Sisters. Subsequently, targeted training was provided to improve his visual aptitude.


Overcoming Multiple Disabilities

After extensive training spanning several years, Julian successfully overcame the challenge of echolalia. He can now proficiently differentiate between objects in the classroom, recognize body parts, grasp rhythms, identify various forms and colours, and more.


Julian has developed the ability to articulate the names of fruits, vegetables, clothing items, cars, birds, and other creatures. Additionally, he can recite morning assembly prayers, demonstrate general knowledge, recall numerical names, and distinguish vowels and consonants.


Despite his vision issues, Julian exhibits an impressive memory, recalling details with excellent precision.


Significant Strides in his Independence

Joan Matharasi, the mother of Julian Santo, expresses her immense joy and gratitude for her son’s remarkable progress since joining Asha Deepam Special School.


She highlighted that Julian has made significant strides in his independence, now confidently articulating his needs. His writing skills have seen notable improvement, and he actively shares details about his school activities.


Julian’s demeanour has become calmer and more inclusive, as he has transitioned from pushing kids away to embracing play and companionship with his peers. Notably, he has developed the ability to follow and respond accurately to his teachers’ instructions.


“Before attending Asha Deepam, Julian relied on me for basic needs. I was also disheartened to look at my child’s condition. But after joining the Asha Deepam school, he independently prepares for school, demonstrating improved eating habits and effortlessly donning his school attire,” Joan shared happily. She added that Julian even approaches her for assistance with his daily schoolwork, completing tasks with enthusiasm and confidence.


God’s Providence in Ministry

Asha Deepam Special School has been on a transformative journey with approximately 460 children, restoring their dignity and empowering them to lead fulfilling lives. Among these, nearly 50 students have found employment in various fields, supporting themselves independently. Notably, six girls and four boys from the Centre have entered into marriage, have children, and live with dignity in society. Currently, Asha Deepam School is a home during the day for 45 children.


Sister Saleth Mary, principal of the school, says, “It is a profound opportunity to assist these special children. I see the face of God in their expressions daily. After years of working in conventional schools, helping special children at this school brings a deeper meaning and contentment to my religious life.”


Sr Saleth Mary emphasizes the daily surprises these children experience through the kindness of charitable individuals who provide food and necessities. She believes it is God’s constant providence in their lives and service.


She says her faith in God has been strengthened by witnessing the positive changes in students like Julian. “God provides for His people through the service of the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth,” concluded Sr. Saleth Mary.