Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Sunday, 6 October 2024
Jordan: St. Vincent de Paul Society marks its 50th anniversary

By Munir Bayouk/ :

On Saturday, October 5, Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso celebrated Holy Mass marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. The Holy Mass was concelebrated by Fr. Manuel Bader, Fr. Issam Zu'mot, and Fr. Dr. Rif'at Bader.


In his homily, Fr. Manuel Bader focused on the history of St. Vincent de Paul Society which is full of noble humanitarian and spiritual deeds. He thanked the Lord for the blessing related to the presence of St. Vincent de Paul Society which derives its spirituality from Saint Vincent de Paul with a focus on serving orphaned children who have been distressed by life and who have found neither a father nor a mother, but they found in this center and in the Franciscan nuns the tenderness they miss in safe homes.


Fr. Manuel Bader highlighted the history this charitable society since its inception in Amman 50 years ago, when he was a parish priest in Jabal Luweibdeh, where he learned about its establishment by Bishop Ne'meh Sam'an and  Monsignor Ra'ouf Al-Najjar.


Following the Holy Mass, Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso delivered an address during which he stressed the importance of the humanitarian work based on faith in the Lord and love of one’s neighbor without discrimination, regardless of religion, ethnicity or sect.


He noted that the charitable institutions affiliated with the Catholic Church in Jordan work hard to spread the spirit of brotherhood and love among the citizens of this dear country, which always seeks to create an atmosphere of peace amidst the prevailing turbulent world. He added that one of the characteristics of the pontificate of His Holiness Pope Francis is his concern for the poor, the homeless, and all those in need with the aim of instilling social balance among people and love among those who can share it with others associated with generosity.