Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Monday, 1 July 2024
Pope: “May those who fight wars convert to fighting for peace”
Pope Francis prays for peace and remembers today's martyrs, highlighting worldwide discrimination and persecution. He also appeals for an end for all wars, and in celebrating the return of Ukrainian prisoners of war, asks that all prisoners, everywhere, be able to go home.

Francesca Merlo/ :

Addressing the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square for his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis invited all those present to implore the Sacred Heart of Jesus "to touch the hearts of those who desire war, so that they may be converted to plans of dialogue and peace".


He emphasized, as he often does, the importance of continuing to pray for peace in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel and Myanmar, as well as in the "many other places where there is so much suffering because of war". 


Greeting pilgrims after the recitation of the Marian Prayer, Pope Francis also recalled today's observance, just one day after the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, of the liturgical commemoration of the first Roman martyrs, also known as the first martyrs of the Church of Rome. "We too", said the Pope, "live in a time of martyrdom", adding, "even more so than in the early centuries".


He explained that in various parts of the world, "many of our brothers and sisters suffer discrimination and persecution because of their faith, thereby nurturing the Church". Others, he continued, face a "white-glove" martyrdom: a term the Pope has used since the early years of his pontificate, to indicate a subtle form of persecution, through which Christians are driven away, marginalized, and discriminated against in political and social life. 


"Let us support them and be inspired by their testimony of love for Christ", concluded the Pope.


Pope prays for worldwide release of prisoners of war

As Ukraine and the Holy See celebrate the release of ten Ukrainian prisoners by Russian forces, Pope Francis prayed that "all prisoners of war return home soon".


At the end of his Angelus prayer for the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul on Saturday, 29 June, the Holy Father's thoughts, in particular, turned to the two Greek-Catholic priests who were released as part of the prisoner swap. 


On Friday, June 28, Fathers Ivan Levytskyi and Bohdan Heleta, both members of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, were released by Russia along with eight others in a prisoner exchange with Ukraine.


Pope Francis on Saturday, June 29, also invited all those present to pray together that all prisoners return home. At the same time, he reflected "with pain" on the "brothers and sisters suffering because of war".


"Let us think of all the people wounded or threatened by the fighting", said the Pope, asking that God may "free them and sustain them in the struggle for peace".