Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Thursday, 4 July 2024
Second year of war in Ukraine: Caritas prepares long-term plan
On this somber anniversary, Caritas launches a new appeal asking the international community to continue helping its work for the Ukrainian people. :

Two years after the beginning of the war and nearly a decade after the conflict in the east of the country, the humanitarian situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate and will not improve if hostilities do not stop. This is the picture described by the two local Caritas organizations – Caritas Ukraine and Caritas-Spes Ukraine – on the second-year mark of the large-scale invasion that began February 24, two years ago.


 Supported by the entire Caritas Internationalis Confederation, and thanks to more than 2,600 staff and volunteers, the two organisations have provided humanitarian assistance to more than 3.8 million people over the past two years. The assistance included providing food and non-food items, shelter, health and hygiene items, cash assistance, health and psychosocial support services, protection and education programmes. “Since the beginning of the war, Caritas Ukraine and Caritas-Spes Ukraine have been exemplary in their work, caring for their people in their entirety throughout the war. They are Caritas at its best and our Confederation is grateful to them. We will continue to support them and raise our voices urging this conflict to end,” said Alistair Dutton, Caritas Internationalis’ Secretary General.


Unfortunately, the second year of the conflict was marked by escalating hostilities and fighting. Strikes hitting civilian infrastructure and major incidents, including the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in southern Ukraine in June, led to a deterioration of the humanitarian situation in regions where people already face acute needs. Forty per cent of the population needs humanitarian assistance, and more than 6 million Ukrainians have been refugees. In the east and south, including the territories under the temporary control of the Russian Federation, millions do not have adequate water, food, health care, housing, protection and other essential services and supplies.


With devastating consequences for what was once Europe’s granary, the conflict has also had a dramatic environmental impact. Water and soil are contaminated, and experts predict it will require over 700 years to clear the land of mines alone.


Caritas organisations are preparing a long-term response plan despite the difficulties and uncertainties caused by the protracted conflict. “According to experts, the war could last a decade. We need to be ready to provide long-term assistance to address the significant humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ukraine, which ultimately affects the global community,” stated Fr. Vyacheslav Grynevych SAC, Executive Director Caritas-Spes Ukraine.


“We are doing everything possible to assist people in need, but until the hostilities stop and the occupied territories are liberated, we cannot talk about real recovery. Caritas Ukraine assists people in their current situation, where they survive, and we consider various scenarios of the development of the situation in a comprehensive approach for each individual,” said Tetiana Stawnychy, President of Caritas Ukraine.


On this somber anniversary, Caritas launches a new appeal asking the international community to continue helping its work for the Ukrainian people. “Your support gives us hope that we are not alone and allows us to help people in need. So please continue to stand with Ukraine,” added Stawnychy.


“We extend our gratitude to our benefactors and partners who help us carry the cross of service in times of war, just as Simon of Cyrene helped carry the cross of Jesus Christ. We have already completed 730 stations of our Way of the Cross, 730 days of war, but how many more are ahead?” said Fr. Grynevych.