Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Tuesday, 20 February 2024
His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa In Barcelona :

On Sunday February 18, 2024, His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, was the protagonist of the celebration of “SENT LA CREU” in the Basilica the Sagrada Família. The event was organized by the Diocesan Secretariat of Youth Pastoral Ministry of the Archdiocese of Barcelona. This 8th edition focused on praying for peace in the Holy Land. 


Cardinal Joan Josep Omella, who is the archbishop of Barcelona and president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, had invited all the youth from the Diocese to the event because “it is a great opportunity to start Lent together,” he said.  


The celebration took place around a Cross, as usual, and there was a vigil prayer before the Mass.


His Beatitude Cardinal Pizzaballa participated by delivering a heartfelt homily, followed by a respectful and solemn silence due to the depth of his words. 


In his homily, Cardinal Pizzaballa expressed gratitude for the invitation to participate in the celebration of 'SENT LA CREU', a moment of solidarity, prayer, and listening, focusing on the realities of conflict and division; particularly this year, with Holy Land torn by one of the worst conflicts in decades, marked by an unprecedented level of hatred. 


He emphasized the importance of maintaining a sense of humanity amidst conflict and the need for language that promotes peace, justice, and respect in all areas, highlighting the significance of interreligious dialogue and education in hope and peace as a path toward a better future. 


Another key aspect highlighted in the Homily by Cardinal Pizzaballa was the importance of resilience in the face of temptations and difficulties, and how to confront them with firmness and determination, following the example of Jesus in the desert. 


He underscored the call for conversion during the time of Lent, preparing ourselves for the celebration of Easter with a purer heart and deeper faith. 


He also highlighted the importance of trust in God during moments of trial and temptation, emphasizing how faith should manifest through actions and decisions we make in our daily lives. He added that promoting reflection on how to face personal and social challenges with an attitude of trust, hope, and fidelity to the teachings of Christ is essential. 


To conclude his homily, Cardinal Pizzaballa emphasized the importance of education in respect, encounter, dialogue, non-violence, and forgiveness as a path to peace, highlighting the need for Jews, Muslims, and Christians to be witnesses of hope, trusting in God's goodness for everyone. Despite present fears, he stressed the importance of living with hope, combating it with faith and prayer, like Jesus in the desert; insisting that hope is the antidote to violence and despair. 


After the Mass, in the Basilica his Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa met the Dames and Knights of the Order of the Holy Sepulcher who are from Barcelona.