Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Sunday, 9 July 2023
Jordan: Middle East Council of Churches contributes to skills improvement through training courses :

 As part of capacity building and life skills improving, the Middle East Council of Churches continues its training courses that it organizes in various countries of the region in order to empower its people and enhance their role in building better societies.


Thus, the Middle East Council of Churches, Jordan’s Office, pursues to implement new training courses, as it announces, on the one hand, with the support of the international humanitarian organization “Evangelical Lutheran Church in America” (ELCA) through ACT Appeal JOR 231 and in cooperation with the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) academy and the German university in Jordan, the opening of the energy and renewable energy course of the program with the participation of 20 men and women trainees from Syrian and Jordanian nationalities.


This training course was started based on studying the needs of the labor market in this field and its importance due to the global transition towards renewable and clean energy in the context of facing climate change, especially in Jordan, noting that this sector suffers from a shortage of technical manpower, which opens practical job opportunities in this field.


The course aims to qualify trainees in the field of installation and maintenance of solar electrical systems and provide the necessary skills to work in this sector. The course will last for a specific period of one and a half months with 150 training hours. Educational lessons and practical training will be provided to participants in the halls of the YWCA Academy and the halls of the German University in Jordan.


On the other hand, a new training course for elderly care facilities was also launched through ACT Appeal JOR 231 in Madaba Governorate, with the participation of 20 trainees through the cooperation with the YWCA Academy, in response to the increasing demand by the governorate for this profession.