Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا
His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, will begin his pastoral visit to the Latin parish of Fuheis on March 7th until the 10th to oversee the state of the parish.
In the middle of Jordan, near the Capital, Amman, you will come across the small Christian town of Fuheis. Some 95 per cent of its population are Christians, descendants of the Christian bedouin tribes who, before the Christian era, had emigrated from the Arabian Peninsula. Approximately 55 per cent of the town's population belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, and 35 per cent are members of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. While the rest of the 10 per cent are Melkite Christians and Muslims.
The Latin parish of Fuheis, was established in 1874 during the Ottoman era, and it has two beautiful churches: Immaculate Heart of St. Mary, commonly called church of ‘Al Balad’, which was first built between 1876-1906 and rebuilt in 1932. The second church is called Our Lady of Grace, known as the church of ‘Al Alali’, which was built in 1986. The current parish priest is Fr. Imad Twal, and the assistant priests are Fr. Mateo Alvarez Serna, and Fr. Paolo Felicetti. They work together to provide for the pastoral needs of 1530 families.
Pastoral activities
The Latin parish of Fuheis is one of the largest parishes in Jordan and is generally very active in its pastoral activities. Hence, it has a Coordinating Committee, consisting of priests and the laity, who organize and supervise the various spiritual and social activities of the parish. Thus, allowing every resident to play an active role in their local community and also to share their faith and personal experiences.
The following is a list of the pastoral groups with a summary:
Religious Orders in the parish
The Rosary sisters, and the daughters of St. Anne as well as the Focolare movement, help accompany and guide the pastoral groups in their activities, as well as teach Christian religion to students in schools, and Catechesis in the parish. In addition, there are the Franciscan sisters of the Cross who care for the elderly at the elderly house of Fuheis.
Finally, the presentation of the parish of Fuheis would not be complete without mentioning the crucial role that the parish plays in the education of children. The idea of establishing the Latin School in Fuheis began in 1885 when the first priests initiated some classes, to teach the children. 2 years later the Rosary sisters arrived, and in the 20th century, purpose-built schools were built, thus meeting the educational needs of a greater number of pupils. Today, there are two schools, next to the parish church. They have three levels: Kindergarten, Elementary School, Primary and Secondary school. The Latin parish schools welcome a total of 1090 children, boys, and girls: Alali Students 449, Balad Students 575, and 85 kindergarten students (2023/2024).
Recent Projects and Future Aspirations
Thanks to the generosity of the expatriate parishioners in Chicago, friends and relatives in Jordan and abroad, and the generosity of all benefactors of the parish, the parish priest was able to complete many projects, repairs, and renovations, and support many needy families, between the year 2017 and 2021. Some of those projects included the maintenance of the primary school, raising the external fences and asphalt in the monastery yard, granting university scholarships for several parishioners, as well as medical care for people with special needs. One of the most important projects is the restoration of the church entrance in Al-Alali, the construction of new halls and a scout headquarters, as well as a spiritual library for the parish and a hexagonal playground.
As for future aspirations, the parish priest indicated his desire to have a pastoral center that serves all believers, especially since the parish lacks a pastoral hall that suits various pastoral needs.
His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, will begin his pastoral visit to the Latin parish of Fuheis on March 7th until the 10th to oversee the state of the parish.