Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Monday, 5 February 2024
Jordan: Youths mark St. Bosco's Feast
Raya Al-Hijazin/ :

On Friday, February 2, 2023, marking the feast day of the Patron Saint of the youth, St. John Bosco, the General Secretariat of the Christian youth in Jordan held a celebratory meeting for the university and working ages, titled "Messengers of light and peace".


At the beginning of the day, they celebrated Mass, which was presided over by Fr. Wajdi Twal, the spiritual guide of the youth. In his homily, being moved by the Divine Sacrifice of the Lord, he spoke of the importance of each person's role in making a difference in the life of those around them, to fulfill the dream of Saint John Bosco, who is always present with the youth, accompanying them in their suffering and pain amidst the troubles of this life. He said: "The Christian youth's role in our world is to shine their light, by fulfilling their vocation, as well as mission, and conquering the world with God's love". During the Mass, the new members of the General Secretariat were appointed to take on the responsibilities of managing the youth's activities in 2024. They made a public declaration and promised to serve the youth with integrity, and honesty, to the best of their ability.


Then, Ala’ Abu Khader and Hala Syriani presented the different parish youth groups participating in the meeting and welcomed them in their midst, which was followed by the lighting of the Candle, to resemble Jesus Christ, the source of the youth's light. Afterward, the youth group from the Northern Zarqa parish acted out a sketch, which showed the conflict in today's world between wars and the pursuit of peace. At the end of the sketch, peace won and they prayed asking for peace to prevail in the whole world. Then, the annual slogan hymn was presented, which was written by Mr. Ibrahim Mussalim, the secretary-general, Ms. Daoud, responsible for the university committee, and the JEC band composed by Mr. Ibrahim Nawwas, who also performed the hymn along with Ms. Hala Asfour. The annual youth plan for the year 2024 was also announced by the secretary-general, who highlighted the role of youth in the life of the church, society, and their country. as well as encouraged them to be active members and change-makers.


There is power in the words of our testimony, which gives hope to those who hear it. Hence, Ms. Farah Samawi, the former Secretary General of 2007, from the youth group of Swefieh parish (The Virgin of Nazareth youth group), shared her life experience, to encourage the participating youth to discover their passions and skills and not to underestimate themselves. Then, Mr. Bashar Haddad, from the youth group of St. George the Martyr (Irbid's parish), who is a member of the Jordan national taekwondo team and who participated in several Arab and foreign championships, shared his testimony by pointing to his sports career, the turning points in his life and achievements by the grace of God. He encouraged the youth to always depend on God, the source of all grace and strength, and to never give up and always look for opportunities that in turn make dreams come true. Finally, all the youth groups along with Fr. Wajdi Twal, sang spiritual songs about Saint Don Bosco's life and got more acquainted journey to sainthood.


Due to the youth's love for their nation, and in support of the Jordanian National football team, they watched the quarter-final match of the AFS Asian Cup together, in an atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy.


May our youth continue to be the light and salt of the Earth!