Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Saturday, 27 May 2023
Fr. Iyad Twal, Fr. Bassam Al-Dair, Fr. Georges Da'boub, Fr. Adnan Bader mark silver jubilee of ordination

By Munir Bayouk/ :

On Friday, May 26, 2023, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa celebrated Holy Mass at the Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Beit Jala, the Holy Land, marking the silver jubilee of the priestly ordinations of Fr. Iyad Twal, Fr. Bassam Al-Dair, Fr. Georges Da'boub, and Fr. Adnan Bader.


In attendance were Latin Patriarchal Vicar Bishop William Shomali, Patriarch Michel Sabbah,  and Bishop Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo in addition to a group of priests, nuns, and believers from the various parishes in the Holy Land.


After reading verses of the Holy Bible (John 21: 15-19), Patriarch Pizzaballa delivered a homily in which he pointed out that the Holy Bible verses express Lord Jesus' commandment to Peter the Apostle whereby after Peter's denial of Christ three times, Christ asks him, "Do you love Me?" three times, which indicates that Peter's answer expresses true love, as it matured after experiencing betrayal and pain. It also expressed true self-knowledge, and consequently Peter would become ready to be a shepherd of the Church.


 He stressed that this Holy Mass is a renewal of the word "yes" that the priests said in their priestly ordinations 25 years ago. Today's "yes" is a mature "yes" because it follows years of challenges and pains. Patriarch Pizzaballa explained that love of Christ, while being faithful to His love, is the root of priestly life. He stressed that love is not a roadmap but rather a way of life through which we can overcome all challenges.


Patriarch Pizzaballa  concluded his homily saying: We celebrate this Holy Mass to renew the “yes” to Christ, which we proclaimed at the priestly ordination as well as to renew our love for Him, because this love, after 25 years, has become a definite reality and more rooted, as it gives us the determination and strength to serve and be ordained for years to come.


Later, Fr. Iyad Twal delivered an address on behalf of the celebrating priests in which he thanked God for His great blessings and gifts in the holy priesthood throughout these years. Then, rector of Beit Jala Sweminary Fr. Bernard Poggi delivered another address during which he elaborated on the importance of  priesthood and the role played by the priests f the Holy Land.


Prayer for the Church


O Holy Father, we beseech you to preserve and bless your holy church which you founded on the holy apostles, sanctifying its pastors, priests and all believers. Fill us all with the light of your Holy Spirit, that we may be faithful disciples and true apostles to you and that we may live in a spirit of communion and charity, listening to the inspirations of your Holy Spirit, on the example the Virgin Mary, the holy mother of God, so we will walk together, according to the teachings of your Church in a spirit of Synodality. Give us to carry the good news of your gospel, and spread it with fidelity, love and joy.


Grant us your peace, O our God, by the intercession of our fathers, the holy apostles and martyrs, and send to your church priestly and monastic and missionary vocations, refreshed by the spirit of self-giving and the search for holiness. Bless your church with committed families to generosity in love, reflecting the image of your divine presence in our world, and give us all to glorify and praise you with your only Son and your living and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.