Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Saturday, 20 July 2024
Highlights of the work of the Pontifical Mission in the Holy Land
This travel log by CNEWA’s delegation currently visiting the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Lebanon highlights the work of Pontifical Mission, as it celebrates its 75th anniversary.
Tresool Singh-Conway, Thomas Varghese and Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari :

Pontifical Mission, founded as Pontifical Mission for Palestine in 1949 and entrusted to CNEWA, is marking its 75th anniversary this year. Commemorations for this papal initiative for the Middle East began with Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan’s April visit to the Holy Land.


The following travel log written by CNEWA’s delegation--Msgr. Peter I. Vaccari, president, Tresool Singh-Conway, chief financial officer, and Thomas Varghese, director of programs--highlights the work of Pontifical Mission across the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Lebanon.

On Tuesday, 16 July 2024 we began our day with a visit to the Jesuit Center. CNEWA-Pontifical Mission supports the work of the Jesuit Center in its care for refugees and migrants. We support their programs in lay formation among Melkite Greek Catholics, Chaldeans and other Eastern churches. The churches are the main support for the Christian youth in the country. The programs our benefactors and partners support promote lay leadership and a greater sense of dialogue and harmony among different nationalities and cultures in Jordan.


At St. Elias Melkite Greek Catholic Church, the pastor, Father Moudy Handileh, received us. In addition to its school for 700 students, CNEWA-Pontifical Mission renovated and upgraded its multipurpose hall, which offers a safe gathering place for children, adults and families. The presence of the hall will allow the growth and in-depth study and prayer of the faith.


At midday, we visited the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary and their program that cares for women who are either widowed, physically and emotionally abused or extremely poor with no means to care for themselves or their families. Many are refugees from Iraq and Syria. The initiative of the sisters intends to enrich the livelihood of these women by teaching them handicrafts, to socialize, to boost their self-esteem and to form support groups among themselves in an open and affirming environment as they strive for happiness and hope. CNEWA-Pontifical Mission’s chief financial officer, Tresool Singh-Conway, brought her insights on the vital role of empathy to the group, and engaged in discussion on ways to empower women.


We accepted a lunch invitation with our staff of the Amman office and the Teresian community at their community center, which for decades was known as the Pontifical Mission Library. For years, CNEWA-Pontifical Mission has supported these committed consecrated women in Jordan, Bethlehem and Jerusalem, especially in their support for refugees and migrants.


Afterward we visited Beit Mariam. Located in one of the poorest areas in east Amman and established in 2011, Beit Mariam, the House of Mary, courageously addresses the lack of support for girls and women. From the beginning it has attempted to address the many social inequalities faced by young girls and women. Initially, Beit Mariam was a safe zone for at-risk girls and young women where they could gather and learn. Over the years it has become an important educational and vocational place. It provides the girls with basic humanitarian necessities, mental support, genuine care and hope.