Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Friday, 17 November 2023
Holy Land: Cardinal Pierbattista blesses the olive harvest
While thinking of our parishioners in Gaza, His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, said: "We are in daily contact with our people in Gaza who live in a very bad situation and are gathered in the parish building because of the mass destruction of their homes. They have shown us that despite the lack of peace and many means such as electricity, and water; they did not lose their faith in God." and lpj facebook :

On November 15, 2023 to mark the end of the olive harvest and as part of the traditions of the diocese, His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, presided over a Mass with the faithful at Christ the Redeemer Church, in Taybeh (Ramallah), and blessed the olives yielded by the land.


Concelebrating were Mgr Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Bishop Emeritus, and Fr. Bashar Fawadleh, parish priest of Taybeh.


"Despite the difficulties that the country is going through from persecution and war, we all gather to thank Jesus for the fruits of the land, which he has given us," said Cardinal Pizzaballa In his homily, while commenting on the Gospel reading (Luke 17:11-19) where Lord Jesus heals ten men with leprosy and only one comes back to thank Him. "Indeed there are many challenges around us, but we must not give up and we must stand firm in the faith".


Also, he stressed that prayer without works cannot bear any fruit, "because prayer is not a magic solution to our problems, rather it enlightens our hearts to work and live according to the words and teachings of Jesus Christ to help us overcome the harsh circumstances".


While thinking of our parishioners in Gaza, he said: "We are in daily contact with our people in Gaza who live in a very bad situation and are gathered in the parish building because of the mass destruction of their homes. They have shown us that despite the lack of peace and many means such as electricity, and water; they did not lose their faith in God. Their trust in the Lord is rooted firm, and we must also be like them, keep the light of our faith burning in our hearts, and not let the circumstances put it out while preserving our hearts from hatred."


He concluded by expressing his great joy to be present among the faithful and to enjoy together the blessed oil and olives, the harvest and fruits of this Holy Land.