Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Tuesday, 25 June 2024
Jordan: Apostolic Nuncio patronizes graduation of ‘Ambassadors of Hope’
By Munir Bayouk/ :

Under the patronage of Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan Bishop Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso, the Union of the Religious Congregations in Jordan and the “Fountains of Hope Initiative” held on Monday, June 24, 2024, a celebration marking the graduation of the second batch of “Ambassadors of Hope,” which comprised of 40 students of the Latin Patriarchate in Marka and Jubaiha, as well as the Rosary Sisters in Al-Misdar and Jabal Amman.


 After playing the national anthem, Director of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media in Jordan Fr. Dr. Rif’at Bader delivered a welcoming address during which he referred to the local church’s celebrations marking Pentecost Sunday stating that it is the feast of sending the disciples and establishing ambassadors for Lord Jesus Christ in the entire world. He pointed out that with today’s celebration, these students will be sent to serve as ambassadors to mark the end of the huge social scourge, namely  the scourge of human trafficking.


He also referred to the Church’s celebrations marking the Feast of John the Baptist, who is the ambassador of the free word, the true word, the noble word, and the pure word, noting that he said: “He must increase, nut I must decrease.” He added that he also baptized Lord Jesus in the holy Jordan River and he is able to baptize the entire world, to renew the call to repentance and the return to the Lord, as well as to make humanity more gracious, as his name means “God is gracious.”


He also greeted President of Union of the Religious Congregations  Sister Sara Ghneim, Secretary of the Union Sister Cecile Hijazin on their propitious efforts. He said that the initiatives that the Union launched or participated in over the past years brought it close to the members of the Church and society, as it is not confined only to consecrated men and women. He lifted up thanks to the Lord for all these humanitarian initiatives, and for the blessings bestowed on the new ambassadors who will be like John the Baptist, and like Peter and Paul, serving as witnesses of light in the midst of darkness, of truth in the midst of delusion, as well as of peace in the midst of human trafficking and of the violations of human dignity.


On the other hand, Bishop Dal Toso, praised the students and their parents for participating in this humanitarian initiative, pointing out that such initiatives that are launched in schools represent the embodiment of Catholic values, among which is caring for people in pain. He pointed out that “Fountains of Hope Initiative” was born as an initiative to help victims of human trafficking and to give them hope in life. He referred to the fact that Pope Francis had repeatedly condemned this scourge in its capacity as a violation of the sacred dignity of human beings.


He also recalled particularly the “Talita Kum Initiative”, which is the initiative launched by the Union of the Religious Congregations in the World for the Protection of Women, which this year marks its 15th anniversary. Furthermore, he encouraged the attendees to clearly view the suffering of numerous people around the world, while referring in particular to the tragic conditions prevailing in Gaza and the Holy Land, in addition to all the victims of war, hatred and grudge.


He concluded his address by thanking the nuns, the employees, the students, and their families for everything they do in order to instill hope, noting that the graduation ceremony coincides with the Catholic Church’s celebration of the Feast of John the Baptist, who paved the way for the advent of Lord Jesus Christ for with Him humans were freed  from evil, hatred, and selfishness. He said: “On this day, let us celebrate the goodness of the Lord, to Whom we bear witness through our love toward others.”


The ceremony included by a prayer lifted up by students Nour Masa’deh and Hani Issa, as well as an address by Director of the Rosary Sisters in Shmeisani Sister Lilia Nimri. This was followed by a presentations by Dr. Ra’eda Swaidan on Talita Kum network--which is concerned with reducing the scourge of human trafficking--the Fountains of Hope Initiative in Jordan, and the local Ambassadors of Hope project. Later, Dr. Isa Qiqi delivered an address on behalf of the families and a film was screened by Ms. Nivin Hattar on the activities conducted in the past year. Then, certificates were presented to the participating students while the lecturers and the benefactors of the union were also honored.


At the end of the ceremony, President of Union of the Religious Congregations in Jordan Sister Sara Ghneim thanked all the participants, including students, parents, and supporters of the initiative, especially Sister Cecile Hijazin, who is directly responsible for this humanitarian initiative, and the working team including the volunteers.