Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Monday, 10 April 2023
Jordan: Christians celebrate Palm Sunday with palm and olive branches
Munir Bayouk/ :

On Sunday, April 9, the Christians of Jordan marked Palm Sunday, one week that precedes Easter Sunday, with Holy Masses, hymns, and ceremonial processions that took place in the churches of the Kingdom, during which the worshipers held up olive and palm branches, as well as candles while chanting the special hymns marking the feast.


Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan Bishop Jamal D'aibes celebrated Holy Mass at the Church of Our Lady of Carmel in the Northern Hashemi region, Amman, which was concelebrated by pastor priest Fr. Farah Bader, in the presence of a large number of worshipers. In his homily which reflected the most significant spiritual and humanitarian meanings of the Feast, Bishop Jamal said," "On Palm Sunday, we mark the entry of the Lord Christ into Jerusalem, where He was accompanied by simple crowds of people who cheered Him. He entered the city of peace not as a victorious leader, but as a bearer of a divine message, preaching salvation, reconciliation and love. He was sympathetic for the poor, healed the sick, as all people testified that He was benevolent all the time. He was not seeking position or power, but He was ready to pay the price for defending the weak and the needy, and to reconcile people with God and among themselves."


He pointed out  that the Church marks Palm Sunday by recalling the last days of the earthly life of  Lord Jesus Christ, starting from His birth in Bethlehem, His baptism in the River Jordan,  while accompanying Him spiritually as well as reflecting on His life and teachings. He stressed that the gist of these days is the commandment of love, the vicarious love that forgives and pardons, and this love that explains to us the events of these holy days, the days of  the Holy Week.


Bishop D'aibes conveyed well wishes to all the Christians who follow the Gregorian Calendar and celebrate Easter this morning, wishing them well and blessings, starting with His Holiness Pope Francis, and His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa who has celebrated Easter at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in noble Jerusalem. He also pleaded with the Almighty God that Jerusalem and all parts of the Holy Land would enjoy peace and tranquility. He also lifted up prayers for the extended Jordanian family to remain a reference of harmony and stability under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein and Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Al-Hussein Ibn Abdullah.


On the other hand, parish priest of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Tla' Al-Ali, western Amman, and Director of the Catholic Center for Dtudies and Media in Jordan Fr. Dr. Rif'at Bader presided at the Holy Mass marking Palm Sunday in which he indicated that on Palm Sunday we hold up olive and palm branches which is one of the beautiful habits that we imitate the people of noble Jerusalem while welcoming Lord Christ. He pointed out that the olive branch has a special symbolism, namely meekness and the desire for the attainment of peace in the hearts of people and among peoples.


He continued that holding up the olive branches nowadays indicates the unbridled desire for the attainment of peace in the Holy Land, especially in the city of Jerusalem, which is still thirsting for peace and tranquility. He added that the olive branch is held up in Amman as a symbol of the policy of peace, love, dialogue, and harmony that characterizes the Jordanian people for over a 100 years under the wise Hashemite leadership.


Fr. Bader pointed out that everyone is fasting these days, including Muslims marking the month of Ramadan, and Christians marking the Lenten Season, which comes to an end this week. He said: "This concordance in the holidays also indicates the closeness in the hearts, because we live as one family for what  brings us together  are the homeland, the leadership, as well as the cordiality and love that always adorn the extended Jordanian people.


After the Holy Masses, Palm Sunday processions were held in churches, or in their outer squares and the adjacent streets. The participants in the processions held up palm and olive branches while chanting prayers and hymns to the mellifluous melodies of the scout teams, as well as in preparation for the prayers and ceremonies that extend throughout the Holy Week, which culminate in the celebration of the Easter Sunday and Feast of the Resurrection.