Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Wednesday, 28 June 2023
Jordan: A Latin Patriarchal Seminary of Beit Jala delegation visits Sacred Heart of Jesus Church

By Munir Bayouk/ :

On Monday, June 26, a delegation representing the Latin Patriarchal Seminary of Beit Jala in the Holy Land visited the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Tla' Al-Ali, Amman, as part of their pastoral and religious  tour in Jordan.


Upon arrival, they were welcomed by parish priest Fr. Dr. Rif'at Bader and assistant priest Fr. Wajdi Twal. The visiting delegation was accompanied by Fr. Khalid Qammouh and Fr. Amer Gibran, in addition to Deacon Basil Baransi, students of philosophy and theology, and nuns of the Incarnate Word.


Then, parish priest Fr. Bader celebrated Holy Mass which was followed by a meeting in the parish sitting room during which he spoke about the Tla' Al-Ali parishioners and his pastoral experience since his ordination in 1995, as well as about the Catholic Center  for Studies and Media and its affiliated websites.


Then Fr. Wajdi talked about the pastoral work with the youth in Jordan, pointing out that more than 3,000 young men and women meet every week in their respective parishes, in accordance with the plan drawn up by the General Secretariat of the Jordan Christian Youth which is affiliated with the Latin Patriarchate.  


Later, food was served in an atmosphere of brotherhood and peace.