Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا

Published on Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Patriarch Pizzaballa celebrates first Holy Mass in Jordan since his elevation to the rank of cardinal

By Munir Bayouk/ :

His Beatitude Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, has lauded the Jordanian position towards what the Palestinian people are being exposed to in Gaza. On his first visit to Jordan since his elevation to the rank of cardinal in the Catholic Church last September, he said that Jordan is moving in this regard in dual wise and humanitarian directions.


He continued: "This is firstly through the diplomatic efforts led by His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein, during which he talks in regional and international fora for the attainment of justice and peace. And secondly, by extending a helping hand and the Jordanian Hashemite assistance to our suffering, agonized, and sick children in Gaza through the first Jordanian field hospital, which I had earlier visited and learned about the noble and charitable work it performs, as well as through the new field hospital that was inaugurated yesterday."



On Tuesday morning, November 21, 2023, Cardinal Pizzaballa celebrated the first Holy Mass in Jordan which was concelebrated by Latin bishops and priests, including Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jordan Bishop Jamal D'aibes and Apostolic Nuncio to Jordan Archbishop Giovanni Pietro Dal Toso. He said: "I have come from Jerusalem, where we live in terrible conditions, to meet Christians in Jordan, pray together for peace and justice, listen to them, and seek their solidarity with the Palestinian people, notably with the people of Gaza."


He pointed out that Jordan was among the few countries in the world that expressed, from the very first moment, its clear condemnation of the horrendous and appalling events in Gaza, by calling for justice and respect for humanitarian law, as well as by expressing its solidarity and unwavering support for the people in the Gaza Strip in all humanitarian aspects, which includes the delivery of food and medical aid.


Cardinal Pizzaballa indicated that His Holiness Pope Francis will receive, within hours, a popular Palestinian delegation representing people and families from Gaza, including those who were in Gaza throughout the past month. He also hoped that this meeting would contribute to shedding light on the suffering which this people has been going through for several weeks, including Christians, as many of whom were martyred, while their families are still taking refuge in the Latin Church of the Holy Family and the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius.


Bishop Jamal D'aibes had earlier welcomed Cardinal Pizzaballa who arrived in Jordan the day before from Cyprus after undertaking an official and pastoral visit. He said that a grand welcome was due to be accorded to His Beatitude the Cardinal, but it was cancelled as a sign of solidarity with the suffering and afflicted Palestinian people, where thousands are being martyred in Gaza as well as in a number of  Palestinian cities in the occupied West Bank.