Issued by the Catholic Center for Studies and Media - Jordan. Editor-in-chief Fr. Rif'at Bader - موقع أبونا
A solemn Mass was celebrated by Latin Patriarchal Vicar for Jerusalem and the Holy Land Bishop Paul Marcuzzo on Sunday October 25 in Rafat, northwestern Jerusalem, marking the Feast of the Blessed Mary Queen of Palestine.
The celebration marked another joyful event, namely the His Holiness Pope Francis’ nomination of Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa as the Latin Patriarch in Jerusalem to be the 10th patriarch to hold this post since 1847.
In his homily, Bishop Marcuzzo indicated two reasons for the joyful feeing on this day, namely the celebration of the Latin Patriarchate marking the centenary of Blessed Mary the Queen of Palestine, and the second is the nomination of Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa as Patriarch of this diocese. He stressed that today's celebration is an occasion for the Christians of the Holy Land to renew their trust in Blessed Mary, the Queen of Palestine, the mother, and the model of brotherhood for all people of our Holy Land of all faiths.
He said, "A hundred years ago, after World War I, the Holy Land experienced political, social and economic difficulties that transcend what we are witnessing nowadays due to the pandemic. In 1920, Patriarch Louis Berlusina made a ceremonial entry into the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, and dedicated himself and the diocese to Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed mother under the title of the Queen of Palestine, where he said: “To the goodness of this holy country that attract the interest of the entire world, I want to devote myself now with all sincerity and love to Lord Jesus Christ through the intercession of Blessed Mary. I am confident that the blessing of God will rain abundant blessings on this country and all its inhabitants. On this vine tree which I planted his divine right hand, I now confidently place the diocese and its inhabitants under the protection of the mighty Blessed Mary, under the title of the Queen of Palestine.
After the conclusion of the Holy Mass, the Apostolic Nuncio to Jerusalem, Palestine and Israel Leopoldo Girelli gave an address on behalf of His Holiness Pope Francis during which he conveyed well wishes marking the centenary of the consecration of the Latin Patriarchal Diocese to Blessed Mary Queen of Palestine. He wishing that She would protect Christians and all the residents of the Holy Land. He said: Today we have a new beginning, as the Pontiff has appointed a new patriarch of the Latin Church, namely Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa.